The cocktail and chocolate pairing both uses the plant as its component and highlights a beautiful south American flavor.
1.5 oz espadin mezcal (Casamigos)
1.5 oz silver tequila ( Casamigos)
1 oz sweet lime juice (this decreases/eliminates the quantity of simple syrup)
0.75 oz muña liquor ( Ponderoso liqur, muña has an unique falvor and replacement creates a completely different cocktail)
Lime leaf for garnish
Add all ingredients into a shaker of you choice
Add ice and do a vigorous shake
Strain into your favorite Coupe glass
Garnish with a lime leaf and enjoy.
Paired With
75% Peruvian Cacao with Muna from Tinky Chocolate
This bar from Peruvian tree to bar maker combines the fruity tartness of chuncho beans with the warm zingy taste of the mint like , but still not mint... muña! Completely satisfies both “non mint likers” and “mint lovers” alike.